Well, this is my casual blog...so I guess I am allowed to write whatever comes into my mind here.
A husband is a human who is married (to his wife obviously)....hmm that doesn't sound it. Ok, Let me try again...
A husband is the main character of a family...wait, that old formal stuff? doesn't seem interesting, does it?
OK, this time I am giving another try keeping in mind that "A set of words being poured from your heart assembles a lively writing"
Well, a husband is the most beautiful character in your life...
Husband is the only person from you can ask the stupidest question in the world and yet get a reasonable answer with a fatherly look in his face...
Husband is the only person you can share any dirty joke with and still have a good laugh together...
Husband is the only person to whom you can disclose your mistakes without being afraid of sarcasm...
Husband is the only person you can get his honest advice from on your mistake...
Husband is the only person you can count on when you are down and really really really need help...
Husband is the only person you can share any (I mean ANY) secret with...
Husband is the only person you can expect a gentle kiss from, even when you are sick...
Husband is the only person you can call hundred times and get a response with patience for the 101th time too...
Husband is the only person who can scold you and cuddle you in consecutive minutes...
and finally
Husband is the only person to whom you can show the stupid posts like this and watch for a smile of affection...
P.S. Wrote by 3 years of experience. I'll update you with whatever comes later :p